Did The U.S. Make The List of the Most Promiscuous Countries In The World?

The World Population Review just ranked the “most promiscuous countries in the world.” Number one? Turkey – with the average Turkish adult having slept with more than 14 people.

Here are the Top 10 Most Promiscuous Countries

  1. Turkey (14.5 people)
  2. Australia (13.3)
  3. New Zealand (13.2)
  4. Iceland (13)
  5. South Africa (12.5)
  6. Finland (12.4)
  7. Norway (12.1)
  8. Italy (11.8)
  9. Sweden (11.8)
  10. Switzerland (11.1)

The least promiscuous countries were China and India, with citizens sleeping with 3.1 and 3.0 people, respectively.

The U.S. and Canada tied for 13th place, with adults in both countries saying they slept with an average of 10.7 people over the years.