Why Do Couples Lie About Money To Each Other?
Couples fight more about money than anything else. So it’s no wonder some couples hide their money issues. For example:
15% of married people have a bank account that they keep hidden from their partner. And 1-in-10 people say they’ve lied to their partner about how much they earn. And another 10% lie about how much they spend. Experts say a lot of couples hide money because they want to spend without being accountable to their spouse. And people lie about what they spend to avoid arguments. But it’s going to come out at some point, and 30% of people surveyed said they felt that hiding purchases or bank accounts was financial infidelity, and they considered that as harmful as having an affair.
Here’s another money truth, which shows just how powerful a motivator it is: A lot of people admit, they would marry someone for their money. To be exact, more than half of all men and women say they’d marry someone they were only “slightly attracted to,” as long as the person had money. Psychologist Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo says this makes sense because a lot of people think having more money means they’ll have more security. But over time, Dr. Lombardo says money will not make up for deep flaws in a relationship and a lack of love.
Another money issue couples have: Their happiness is influenced by how much money they make. A Cornell University study found that, in general, husbands who earn more money than their wives are more satisfied in their relationship than men who earn the same, or less, than their partners. But when women are the primary breadwinner, they tend to be less satisfied with their relationship. Researchers say this comes from our deep-rooted idea of “traditional” gender roles.
But know this: You’ve gotta get to the heart of your money issues and talk about them. Because a study at Utah State University found that couples who disagree about financial matters once a week are 30% more likely to divorce.