(Mankato, MN) – Charges say a Lake Crystal man with a canceled license had alcohol and meth in his system when he crashed an RV in a roundabout on a Saturday morning.

Mitchell Lee Schultz, 38, was charged in Blue Earth County Court with three counts of felony DWI, felony drug possession, and gross misdemeanor driving after cancellation for the May 25th incident.

Police say that Schultz drove an RV over a roundabout near Highway 22 and crashed into a County Road 90 ditch at 8:47 a.m. before fleeing the scene on foot.

A preliminary breath test put Schultz’s blood-alcohol level at .14, according to the complaint.  Police say Schultz then handed over a “kit” of two pipes and baggies that were later tested and confirmed positive for meth.

Schultz told police there was a second person in the RV that had been driving and ran away from the scene.  Witnesses denied seeing anyone else exit the vehicle.

A blood draw later in the morning detected alcohol and meth in Schultz’s system.

Schultz has at least four previous DWI convictions from April 2008, March 2013,  May 2014, and September 2014.  Police say he was driving on a canceled license.

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