Woman Threatened During Mask Altercation At Mankato Menard’s

Mankato police say an altercation between customers over a face mask at Menard’s prompted a report to law enforcement, but charges likely won’t be filed.

The incident was reported on June 17, the day after it occurred at the Premier Dr home improvement store.

A female complainant told police she was standing in the checkout line around 10:30 a.m. the previous day when she turned around to tell a pair of male customers that one of them wasn’t wearing their face masks properly.

Assistant Associate Director of Public Safety Dan Schisel said an escalating discussion ensued.

The woman told police she felt threatened during the incident, but Schisel said in the end she didn’t want to press the matter further, so charges probably won’t be filed.

It’s the second dispute over a face mask at Menards in about a month.  A North Mankato woman was charged with assault last week after she allegedly assaulted two Menards’ employees over the store’s face mask requirement.  The store policy set by the store’s corporate headquarters and is required company-wide.

Source:  southernminnesotanews.com